Thursday, December 9, 2010

Heroku | Ruby Cloud Platform as a Service

Yet Another Technology to learn. Salesforce has decided to buy up Heroku, which is ruby in the cloud.

I was already getting accustomed to Spring for VMForce. Java in the cloud.

Oh well Heroku is up and running and in production.

While vmforce is nice to have for us Old Generation Java Developers. As long as it remains in Alpha it can be pretty much vaporware. Although I do know that Appirio seems to be using it.

Heroku | Ruby Cloud Platform as a Service

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Friday, December 3, 2010

Key name question on Mac for controlling synergy - Super User

y Key name question on Mac for controlling synergy - Super User

This synergy configuration from mac being the main computer and windows being the alternatives seems to really work for me.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Code Style: Java interface design frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Good thing to look over. Java Interface ...

Code Style: Java interface design frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

apex debug log output does not show up on Eclipse - Stack Overflow

A horrible bug is a when you can't see your debug output. You already don't have a way to step through this stuff.

But this fix 20.0.1 Winter release in Salesforce fixes it.

Thank goodness for update in eclipse. 4 minutes and your back with your debug output working. It looks like it was released fairly recently.

apex debug log output does not show up on Eclipse - Stack Overflow

VisualForce Element Ids in jQuery selectors « The Silver Lining

VisualForce Element Ids in jQuery selectors « The Silver Lining

Yeah when you are using jQuery and Visual Force you need to be careful that you escape out the tags that visualforce creates for you. Because of the ":" which CSS uses internally.

JQuery uses CSS style selectors and ":" is a special case for them.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Collapse Page Block Sections by Default - solved

This one is good I use this one in Salesforce.

Collapse Page Block Sections by Default - solved: "

My issue solved!

I want to collapse all Page Block sections by default on page open.

I can write code in a VF Page, but I get cross site scripting errors.

Create a Static Resource using JavaScript to accomplish the default collapse:

function twistSection(twisty, sectionId) {
//twistSection code from
var parentDiv = twisty;
while (parentDiv.tagName != 'DIV') { parentDiv = parentDiv.parentNode; }
var headerId = sectionId || ('_'))[1];
var div = parentDiv.nextSibling;
var elemWasOn = false;
if ( != 'none') { = 'none';
twisty.className ='showListButton';
twisty.alt = twisty.title = 'Show Section - ';
elemWasOn = true;

var registeredSections = new Array();
function registerTwistableSection(headerId, mainTableId) {
var obj = new Object();
obj.headerId = headerId;
obj.mainTableId = mainTableId;
registeredSections[registeredSections.length] = obj;

for (var i = 0; i < registeredSections.length; i++) {
var obj = registeredSections[i];

var img = parent.document.getElementById("img_" + obj.headerId);
//go right into twistSection if we have the img obj.
if (img.className =='hideListButton') {
twistSection(img, obj.headerId, obj.mainTableId);
function registerTwistableSections_ep() {
//these are the sections I know about from viewing source code...
registerTwistableSection('01B30000003osTc', 'ep');
registerTwistableSection('01B30000003osTd', 'ep');
registerTwistableSection('01B30000003osTe', 'ep');
registerTwistableSection('01B30000003osTg', 'ep');
registerTwistableSection('01B30000003osTh', 'ep');
registerTwistableSection('01B30000003osTi', 'ep');
registerTwistableSection('01B30000003osTj', 'ep');
registerTwistableSection('01B30000003osTk', 'ep');

Now for the cross site scripting hack:

Found this in another post and am so thrilled that it works:

1. Create a Custom Homepage Component that is HTML, refer to your Static Resource code:

<script src="/resource/1284395872000/pageBlockSupplement" type="text/javascript"></script>

2. Make sure this component is included on the Home Pages layouts. It is invisible, so you don't have to worry about it.


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Ethercodes Is a Web-based, Collaborative Programming Notepad [Collaboration Tools]

This is really cool ... too bad it now doesn't work for 23 hours ... and counting.

Ethercodes Is a Web-based, Collaborative Programming Notepad [Collaboration Tools]: "
Think of EtherCodes as EtherPad for developers. Featuring line numbers and syntax highlighting, it lets you code with a group, in a web browser, in realtime, without sacrificing some of the comforts of your favorite text editor. More »


Thursday, June 3, 2010

8 Essential Development Tools from Tomcat Experts

I need to try a couple of these but I do love ...
IntelliJ ... wish my company used it.

I'm going to try out github and jEdit.

8 Essential Development Tools from Tomcat Experts: " contributors are all professional developers, and this article reviews the 8 primary tools that they all use.

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Programming - Languages - Apache Tomcat - Compiler - Open source"

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Introducing Secure Cloud Development

Introducing Secure Cloud Development: "

I'm very excited to report that we've published a new section of, Secure Cloud Development. This brings together the complete set of developer resources covering secure development practices on, and represents our continuing investment in tools and content designed to maintain the security of the entire ecosystem.

In my previous post, I mentioned that we had a number of new and free tools, training and resources for our developer community. I'm happy to be able to discuss them in more detail. Below you'll find the resources outlined in a typical software development lifecycle.

(Secure) Education

(Secure) Design

(Secure) Development

(Secure) Testing

(Secure) Release

We are actively looking for community feedback and want the resources we're making available to continuously improve and can only do that with your help. Together we can all build a trusted ecosystem. Any queries can be sent to securecloud {at} salesforce {dot} com or post questions to our community discussion board.

If you know anyone developing on the platform, help spread the word!


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Development with the Platform

Development with the Platform: "

I remember when I first started programming in Java many years ago. I used to walk the isles of my local bookstore (remember those brick and mortar things we all used to visit?). The shelves were filled with books on C, a few smatterings of web design, and of course, the trusty O'Reilly In a Nutshell books; but alas, there were no Java books.

Then all of a sudden----wham! Shelf after shelf of books covering every aspect of Java. I was in techie heaven. When I look back however, the initial books actually trickled in and became the catalyst for much of the future explosion of titles. With my experience writing fiction novels, I know these initial books also serve another very important purpose: to serve as a litmus test for publishers to identify hot markets and trending topics.

I see at a similar juncture in its evolution. We often forget Apex and Visualforce is only about two years old, and has already achieved remarkable things. Heck, I still remember writing socket connectivity in Java to connect to databases before JDBC was available! Oh how things have changed. Now, we not only take database connectivity as a given, with we don't even have to write anything to handle scalability, deployment, etc.

Just like Java, we are starting to see some early books on hitting the shelves. Jason Ouellette recently wrote a great book called Development with the Platform available from Addison-Wesley, which should be on all developers bookshelves. Aside from the sample chapters available from the link above, Jason has also provided a great article on Dr. Dobbs with additional information that really gives you a sense of the what Jason's book offers.

Great job Jason. I suspect this book will be the catalyst to many more to come.


Monday, February 22, 2010

Google Officially Ditching Gears for HTML5, Drops Safari Support Entirely [HTML5]

Google Officially Ditching Gears for HTML5, Drops Safari Support Entirely [HTML5]: "

We've known for a while that Google wasn't actively improving Gears, their tool that offers offline support for many popular web applications. Now the Official Gears blog explains their transition to the game-changing HTML5:

If you've wondered why there haven't been many Gears releases or posts on the Gears blog lately, it's because we've shifted our effort towards bringing all of the Gears capabilities into web standards like HTML5. We're not there yet, but we are getting closer. In January we shipped a new version of Google Chrome that natively supports a Database API similar to the Gears database API, workers (both local and shared, equivalent to workers and cross-origin [workers] in Gears), and also new APIs like Local Storage and Web Sockets. Other facets of Gears, such as the LocalServer API and Geolocation, are also represented by similar APIs in new standards and will be included in Google Chrome shortly.

The HTML5 transition should mean great things for users in the long-run, but it's a bummer to see good solutions fall by the wayside while we wait for the major browsers to catch up to, agree on, and support the latest standards. The cost of progress, I suppose. [Gears API Blog]


Friday, February 19, 2010

MITRE - List of 2010's Most Dangerous Programming Errors

MITRE - List of 2010's Most Dangerous Programming Errors: "The MITRE Corporation has published its 2010 Top 25 Most Dangerous Programming Errors list, a tool for education and awareness to help programmers to prevent the kinds of vulnerabilities that plague the software industry, by identifying and avoiding all-too-common mistakes that occur before software is even shipped.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

News: Google: Apple is a ‘very close and valuable partner’

News: Google: Apple is a ‘very close and valuable partner’: "In spite of increasing competition between the two companies, a Google executive has made positive public comments about its relationship with Apple. Reuters reports that Vic Gundotra, head of mobile engineering for Google, said, “Apple is a very close and valuable partner and we’re very excited about the relationship we have with them today. We have no reason to believe that’s going to change.” Speaking at an industry roundtable…


Yeah Apple Google Microsoft and Oracle are like Frenemies.

They all compete in some level directly.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Apex Code Enhancements and Collections best practices

Apex Code Enhancements and Collections best practices: "

Spring '10 is just around the corner, with many great new features. One of the Apex Code enhancements which caught my attention was the limits on the number of items a collection can hold has been removed. The previous limit was set at 200. Add this to the new ability to use generic sObjects to create a collection and Collections within the platform just got a whole lot more powerful.

As Ben Parker, the o-so-wise uncle of Peter Parker (aka Spiderman) once said: "with great power comes great responsibility." Changes to Collections is no different, and require some new thinking in regards to best practices.

The release notes, for example, mention that there is still a limit on heap size so care must be taken to not load up a collection and hit this limit. Good news is that a few other other Spring '10 changes can certainly be used to ensure you design your applications as efficiently as possible.

Here are just a few new SOQL clauses and functions which can be used with collections to help make the most fo the changes.

This is certainly not a complete list, but should certainly be something every developer is familiar with.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

The new salesforce features look interesting.

My notes:

semijoin - in the last release
antijoin -

child to child antijoin
allowing a subselect in the

parse xml
If you include this in a package and test and

2 new classes related to eachtoher
and XML

IDE Upgrade now support 3.4 Galileo
Additional support in IDE
No limit on collection size

Logging and Debugging

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

SFDC Unit Tests

Almost 3AM and trying to get a unit test cast working. Maybe I'm just tired.

More tomorrow I guess.