Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Akihabara: HTML5 game development framework

Akihabara: HTML5 game development framework: "submitted by mcantelon to programming
[link] [49 comments]"

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Introducing Force.com Secure Cloud Development

Introducing Force.com Secure Cloud Development: "

I'm very excited to report that we've published a new section of developer.force.com, Force.com Secure Cloud Development. This brings together the complete set of developer resources covering secure development practices on Force.com, and represents our continuing investment in tools and content designed to maintain the security of the entire Force.com ecosystem.

In my previous post, I mentioned that we had a number of new and free tools, training and resources for our developer community. I'm happy to be able to discuss them in more detail. Below you'll find the resources outlined in a typical software development lifecycle.

(Secure) Education

(Secure) Design

(Secure) Development

(Secure) Testing

(Secure) Release

We are actively looking for community feedback and want the resources we're making available to continuously improve and can only do that with your help. Together we can all build a trusted ecosystem. Any queries can be sent to securecloud {at} salesforce {dot} com or post questions to our community discussion board.

If you know anyone developing on the Force.com platform, help spread the word!
